How A Solar Panel Consultation Works

Couple smile during consultation meeting

Millions of people in the United States look into getting solar each year, but end up not following through with installation for various reasons. Most people end up not following through because they believe the whole process is more difficult than it is worth. In reality, installing home solar energy has never been easier or more affordable. If you are still uncertain about how to go solar, let us put your concerns at ease with a free solar consultation.

The first step in the solar consultation process is to submit a custom solar energy request form. Once it’s completed, one of our solar energy experts will reach out by phone or email. This is to help us better understand what you are looking for in your solar energy system. After this call, we will request a current utility bill for your home so we can accurately size your system based on your energy usage. If you are new to your home or don’t have a current utility bill, we can build a design based on estimations.

The next step is to review your custom solar energy quote with one of  our solar experts who will then discuss what we believe is the best solution for you to go solar. Learn about your payment options, the solar panels, and the system’s warranty. Nothing in this design is set in stone. If you don’t like a layout or you want to see different equipment, this is the best time to make changes. We want to ensure that you choose the right solar energy system for your home. Once you have carefully weighed out your options it is time to move forward with the process. Signing a solar contract with MexLucky will allow you to schedule a site visit and move one step closer to installing your system. If you still have questions about whether solar is right for you, feel free to submit your information and one of our solar experts will help.


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