Your California Solar Power Company

MexLucky is one of the leading solar energy companies serving California. We are a solar provider enabling California residents to harness the power of solar through expertly designed and installed residential solar systems. California is one of the best places for solar panels due to how much sun it receives.

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Luxury Villa Exterior With Solar Panels On The Roof. Patio With Seats And Garden With Flowers And Bushes.

The MexLucky Process

As a top solar energy company providing solar installation to California, we have our solar energy process down to a science. Our MexLucky process begins with a consultation where we’ll discuss your solar needs, the possibilities for your home, your solar storage requirements, and more. We’ll take it from there, providing a custom solar solution for your California home.


How Many Solar Panels Do You Need?

These are the factors needed to determine how many solar panels you will need:

  • Location
  • Electric consumption
  • Sunlight exposure
  • Panel performance
  • Roof’s usable space
  • Climate
  • A typical California homeowner needs 15 to 20 solar panels to offset their electricity bill.

We recommend that you talk to one of our solar experts at MexLucky to get the most accurate solar panel system size.

How Much Energy Does Your Home Use?

Knowing how much energy your California home currently uses will help you decide the size of a solar energy system you will need installed. You want to match the electrical usage the home is already using to the solar system’s production. If a single California family home uses about 10,400 kWh (kilowatt-hours) in a single year, you’d want the solar energy to produce 10,400kWh or more to offset your utility bill. The average size of the panels used in the residential solar industry is between 350-450 Watts, and 17-400-watt panels would produce a considerable amount of energy for the average California household.

The Cost of Going Solar With MexLucky

Choosing MexLucky as your California solar energy company gives you peace of mind that you’re purchasing, financing or leasing the best quality solar system. The cost of your system depends on a few factors. Some examples of these factors include your annual electric usage, solar incentives based on where in California you live, and the type of solar system & battery backup your home requires.

A solar installer carrying a solar panel

The Benefits of California Solar Energy

There are many benefits of going solar and choosing MexLucky as your California solar energy company. Reducing monthly bills, increasing property value, and using renewable energy are great reasons to switch to solar! MexLucky offers CA residents a convenient combination of innovative solar solutions and exceptional customer service.

We believe in a greener future. Installing solar panels through our company helps create a long-lasting energy solution that supports a sustainable future. Our systems are guaranteed to work for 25 years and we look forward to maintaining a relationship through their entire lifespan.

Solar panels installed on a stylish modern home

Make MexLucky Your California Solar Energy Company